Crypto Horrors Rewards

John | Ultra Rare
3 min readJul 8, 2021


First off, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated in our Alien Worlds mining event throughout May and June. Even though our Butler — the bot who distributed our cards — didn’t always behave himself, 30,000 NFTs found their way into wallets and lots of fun was had by all!

Now it’s time to do what Ultra Rare does better than anyone — reward our collectors.

Crypto Horrors is a 20 card set, made up of 10 A and 10 B cards. Anyone who collected the 10 A base cards gets the Ancient Hodler card above. Anyone who collected 10 B base cards gets Crypto Titan. If you collected the entire set, you get both.

And we’ll reward cards for multiple sets, so 3 full sets nets you 6 new cards.

This will work the same for every rarity. So a 10 A card epic set will get you the Ancient Hodler Epic card and a 10 B card set will get you the Crypto Titan Epic card, both below. A full 20 card set will get you both.

A lot of people asked for it, so we decided to do it. Crypto Horrors Rainbows are a thing. If you have every rarity of a specific character, you will get the Rainbow. So, if you collected all the Bitcoin Bobbies — base, uncommon, limited, rare and Ultra Rare — you’ll get the Bitcoin Bobby Rainbow.

And as these cards include a 1/13 Ultra Rare, these cards will never be minted more than 13 times.

We’ve also decided to do a bit more for our collectors, as we generally like to do.

Top account holders of Crypto Horrors will be awarded a 1/1 signed mythic Crypto Horror. Don’t worry though, we’ll check those accounts. If there’s any activity we deem suspicious, you won’t be getting a mythic. You won’t be getting any rewards in fact, because you’ll be blacklisted. Crime doesn’t always pay bozo.

To claim your cards, all you need to do is have them in your wallet, ready for the snapshot on 13th July 2021 at 12PM UK / 11AM UTC.

Cards will be distributed the following day, on the 14th July.

If you have any questions, you can find us on…

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Happy collecting!



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