Leatherfaces — Roadmap Update
First of all, we’d like to give a huge thank you to our fantastic community for supporting us with this new and crazy adventure. You guys have backed the project and given us your trust, and we thank you for that. And just because it’s crypto winter, doesn’t mean Ultra Rare can’t bring the heat!
Leatherface is on fire right now. There’s a new TCM film coming to Netflix and a brand new game coming next year!
We have listened to all the amazing suggestions from the community — what people felt about original Leatherfaces and what they wanted from the companions. A big theme was darkness — the horror heads wanted more of it. And we couldn’t agree more.
So we’re going dark with these bad boys. There were also some fun suggestions such as baby Leatherfaces and female Leatherfaces. We wanted these companions to be uniquely identifiable as Bubba himself, but we also wanted to incorporate as many suggestions as possible. Which is why the companion set will feature all your ideas — several unique 1/1s — female leatherfaces, a baby leatherface, a leatherdog. But most importantly — lots of murdered blue chip avatars! It’ll all be in there and dark and twisted as hell.
So how do you claim your companion leatherfaces? These will be available on leatherfaces.io in the new year (date TBC). You’ll be able to mint 1 companion for every 2 Leatherfaces you hold.
We had originally planned to reward 1 companion for every 3 Leatherfaces. However, prior to the sale we had several community members ask us whether we could lower that number to 2 as they couldn’t afford to mint 3. We said we’d take it to the 666 to vote on after the sale and that’s what we did.
However, we’ll be raffling off this awesome 1/1 Leatherape exclusively to holders of 3 or more Leatherfaces!
And the fun doesn’t stop there — the top 3 Leatherfaces holders will all be eligible for a custom LF piece, with our beloved butcher holding a severed head of your choice! Immortalise yourself or a loved (or hated) one in the annals of Texas Chainsaw Massacre history for all time!
We will also be closing the sale on the 1st of January 2022 6PM UTC. This’ll give everyone a chance to grab a few more big guys while you still can. There are a bunch of legendery 1/1s left, including those awesome Leather Punks.
We can’t lower the price on the contract, but for every 20 sold as of today, 10% of the eth will be raffled off (5% to a 666 card holder and 5% to a Leatherface holder).
Additionally, everyone that mints a Leatherface from 875–1000 gets a Leatherface T-Shirt.
We have a couple of huge announcements coming imminently, in which Leatherface will be taking his first steps out into the metaverse as well as offering some unique and awesome utility to all those lovely Leatherfaces, so stay tuned folks.
In terms of the rest of our roadmap, we have already opened the private discord channel for The 666 and begun voting on aspects of the Leatherfaces project. The 666 have chosen the look of the companion and opted to reduce the number of Leatherfaces held to earn a companion from 3 to 2.
The dates for our private screening with original creator Kim Henkel and the virtual TCM museum tour will be announced soon.
Exclusive Leatherfaces merch will be hitting the official TCM online store soon.
Additionally, we’ll be aiming to bring The 666 card even more utility, with it earning whitelist spots for cool new projects. We have already got The 666 spots on drops from some amazing upcoming projects which we’ll be announcing soon.
And not to mention Christmas is on its way. The time of giving. Winter might be coming, but Ultra Rare will keep you wrapped up warm with fun and adventure aplenty.
If you own a 666 Card or a Leatherface — don’t forget to link your wax wallet in our discord for a fun bonus airdrop bonanza!
If you have any questions, you can find us on Discord and Twitter