The Horrors II: a guide to collecting

John | Ultra Rare
6 min readJul 5, 2021


We know how tough it is to collect our sets, trust us, we’ve been collecting since series 1. But we also know it’s worth it, because the level at which we reward our collectors is off the charts.

Here are just a few of the reward cards of our brand new 20 card subset to look forward to on series 2…

The Horrors II: Demonic Horrors

The Horrors II is the biggest set we’ve ever put together. There are over 1300 unique cards, with 100 A/B cards set over 8 tiers of rarity and an additional 4 mini-sets.

To make collecting this behemoth set a bit easier, we’ve put together a guide for those less familiar with how we structure our sets and rewards.

First of all, let me break down the sets for you.

The Horrors II main set is made up of a 100 cards. There are 50 A and 50 B cards. The main set is comprised of 5 subsets, all of which are differentiated by colour. Below are examples of the subsets, with a few B cards used to illustrate.

Subset 1: Ancient Horrors — Cards 1 A/B — 10 A/B — green

Subset 2: Movie Horrors II — Cards 11 A/B — 20 A/B — blue

Subset 3: Video Game Horrors — Cards 21 A/B — 30 A/B — orange

Subset 4: Euro Horrors — Cards 31 A/B — 40 A/B — purple

Subset 5: Titanic Horrors — Cards 41 A/B — 50 A/B — red

The main set has 8 rarities that you can collect.

Colour / Base (above)

Glass / Uncommon

Film Negative / Limited

Neon / Rare

Classic / Scarce

Cosmic / Epic (capped at 100 cards)

Bloodsoaked / Legendary (capped at 45 cards)

Cursed / Ultra Rare (capped at 13 cards)

For anyone who collects a 10 card subset — A or B — you will earn one bonus card from our new rewards set which matches that rarity. So for example, if you collect the Neon Demon A side of Movie Horrors 2 — you will earn a Neon Demon card from the brand new Demonic Horrors rewards subset.

The Horrors II: Neon Demons rewards set

If you collect either a full 50 card A or B side of a rarity, you will earn 10 new Demonic Horrors.

If you collect all 100 cards of a rarity, you will get the entire 20 card demonic Horrors subset.

You can check your sets on the collections pages on atomihub or nfthive

Following on from the success of The Four Horsemen’s Rainbow card rewards, any collector who completes the “rainbow” — the same character from base through Ultra Rare (as seen above) — will recieve that character’s Rainbow card.

Ultra Rare Rainbow glass

These cards can only ever have 13 mints and will be incredibly sought after.

There are also 4 mini sets in the series. Guest Colour, Guest Neon and Guest Classic, as well as Living Legends.

Guest Colour
Guest Neon
Guest Classic
Living Legends

All four sets are made of 20 cards, 10 A and 10 B. If you collect an A side, you will earn a bonus card. The same for a B side. And if you collect the full 20 card set, you will earn both reward cards.

There are no rainbows with guest sets.

Further, if you collect the Little Horrors bonus set, you will also be rewarded.

The set is again made up of 20 cards, 10 A and B, and has 4 rarities: base, uncommon, rare and legendary. You will earn a bonus card for a complete A or B side of any rarity, and both bonus cards for a full 20 card set.

There are no rainbows for Little Horrors.

Incredibly, it doesn’t end there. Any collector who completes a trio of matching Mythics (Colour, Classic and Neon), will be awarded a highly elusive 1/1 mythic rainbow card. This includes Guest Mythics.

A rainbow of Guest Mythics

To recieve your rewards, all you need to do is complete your sets and have your cards in your wallet on the date we take our snapshot.

Dates TBC

However, don’t worry if you miss the deadline, we leave rewards open until the cap is reached. This goes for any of our previous sets too.

Additionally, we will be rewarding our top 10 pack crackers with 1/1 Demonic Horrors golds, with the other 10 raffled to pack openers.

Mythic Demonic Horrors will be awarded to collectors who own the most 1/1s.

It’s a lot to take in, but the simple TLDR is this. Complete sets to earn lots of rewards.

And this is just the start.

Because once we’ve collected, then we sacrifice…

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Happy collecting!



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